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      Mariano Llinás’s 868-minute La flor was one of the highlights of IFFR 2019; now, the Argentinian director is back with a film about Italian-Argentine singer Ignacio Corsini. “The greatest singer of tangos and Argentine classics”, says Llinás, who, like in La flor, regularly appears in front of the camera himself. On 9 July – Argentina’s Independence Day – Llinás sets off in Buenos Aires with his regular cameraman Agustín Mendilaharzu to re-record ‘Corsini interpreta a Blomberg y Maciel’, an album made in 1929 by lyricist Hector Pedro Blomberg and composer Enrique Maciel, as an ode to Juan Manuel de Rosas, leader of the Argentine Confederation.  Llinás visits the places that feature in the songs and goes in search of the stories behind the album. Resulting in great entertainment, with songs such as ‘La pulpera de Santa Lucia’ including lyrics like ‘she was blonde, her blue eyes reflected the glory of the day, and she sang like a lark’.


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    • 8.0 HD 少年包拯之双鱼诡事 徐海乔,李明轩,曹曦月,唐鑫,温海波,沈保平,蒋林静,王九胜
    • 1.0 HD 4拍4家族 泰迪·罗宾,谢安琪,陈奂仁,张进翘,陈诺霆
    • 4.0 719播放 情牵浮生戏 纳塔温·崴唐缇派特,帕克普泓·隆牧塞侗,查缇夏索罗尔·彭皮邦,塔纳育特·达功塔亚,Orn,Orn-anong,Panyawong
    • 5.0 750播放 小狗小心肝 车太贤,柳演锡,郑仁仙,金裕贞,朴真珠,太元硕,姜信一
    • 3.0 HD 爱之闪电 松冈茉优,洼田正孝,池松壮亮,若叶龙也,佐藤浩市,仲野太贺,趣里,高良健吾,Megumi,三浦贵大,芹泽兴人,笠原秀幸,若林时英,鹤见辰吾,北村有起哉,中野英雄,益冈彻,大鹰明良,佐藤贡三,佐藤贡三 Kôzô Satô,遠山泰市,薮内大河,中野裕斗,中野裕斗 Yuto Nakano,巻島みのり,稻川实代子,稻川实代子 Miyoko Inagawa,前田勝,佐野弘樹,鳥井雄人,野田昌志,二見悠,古川一博,岭豪一,岭豪一 Gôichi Mine,川村纱也,田中美晴,持田加奈子,内海诚子,内海诚子 Seiko


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